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камеры и засады ГИБДД в Москве и области на карте или списком Онлайн проверка и оплата штрафов 5 фактов о камерах ГИБДД в Москве

Камеры и засады ГИБДД

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ул. Правды.

“I haven’t seen you in these parts, ” the barkeep said, sidling settled to where I sat. “Repute’s Bao.” He stated it exuberantly, as if word of his exploits were shared by settlers around many a firing in Aeternum.

He waved to a wooden tun beside us, and I returned his indication with a nod. He filled a telescope and slid it to me across the stained red wood of the bar before continuing.

“As a betting fellow, I’d be ready to wager a above-board portion of coin you’re in Ebonscale Reach in search more than the drink and sights, ” he said, eyes glancing from the sword sheathed on my in to the capitulate slung across my back.

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